Vertebral malalignment can result in pain, focal skin problems, incontinence, lameness, behavior changes, etc. Some signs that chiropractic treatment may be beneficial are back or neck pain, joint stiffness, poor performance and an altered gait. Chiropractic care is often useful for canine and equine athletes. It is important to have thorough physical exam and appropriate diagnostic work up to make sure that the chiropractic treatment is appropriate.
How do animals respond to chiropractic care? Often the animals feels better and walks better immediately after the adjustment. An animal may be sore for 12-24 hours after the initial adjustment as blood flow and neurologic input are reestablished to affected areas. After this the animal should perk up, feel better and move better. Some animals resist chiropractic at first because they do not know what to expect. These animals usually come back eagerly for the follow up appointment because they now realize they feel good after treatment!